Abbot's Hall Logo

Abbot's Hall Community Primary School

Be the best that you can be


Welcome to Abbot's Hall Primary School

Year 2

Welcome to Year 2!


These are the adults who help us with our learning.




Teaching Staff -   Mrs Brown, Miss Morris, Miss Woodage and Mrs Starling.



   Teaching Assistants - Mrs Mills and Mrs Jolly.


High Level Teaching Assistants -  Mrs King and Mrs Horrex. 


Our Summer 2 Topic is:

The Great Fire of London





Each week:

Home Learning

Is handed in on Thursdays and returned back to children on Fridays. If home learning books are not handed in on Thursdays then learning may not be marked until the following week. 



Miss Morris' and Mrs Brown's PE days are Tuesday and Thursday. 

Miss Woodage's PE days are Tuesday and Thursday.


Spelling and Phonics - details of the phonics and spelling focus for the week will be stuck in your child's yellow log weekly. 

Home learning is due back into school on a Thursday. Please ensure your child brings their home learning book back each week so that we can check which task they have completed. We will send home learning books back out on a Friday. 

Here is the list of Year 2 common exception words that the children should practise reading and spelling:

Year 2 Reading and Spelling Workshop

How can you help your child at home?


Reading at home

How can you help your child with reading at home? 

We hope that you are able to read with your child as regularly as possible and record any comments in their yellow log. Also encouraging your child to take part in our reading challenges. 


Maths at home           

In Year 2 we spend time practising addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and missing number problems. At home you could support your child by giving them various calculation sentences. Find an example of arithmetic papers on our home learning page. This is what your child will practise in school.


By the end of Year 2 we aim for children to be secure with their 2x, 5x and 10x tables. You could use these websites below to practise these.

You could also use mathletics to practise all other areas of maths!



We build on the phonics learning your child has learnt in Year 1. You could use the websites below to practise their phonemes.




School Awards

Useful Links
