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Abbot's Hall Community Primary School

Be the best that you can be


Welcome to Abbot's Hall Primary School

Speech and Language

If your child currently sees a Speech and Language Therapist in school, they should have been in touch with you - please contact Miss Read if this is not the case.


In addition to activities provided by the SALT, lots of ideas can be found on Twinkl, which is currently offering resources for free. If you require anything further, or cannot find the resources you require, please do not hesitate to contact Miss Read.


Speech link, the website we use in school to assess and plan appropriate interventions for children with speech and language difficulties, are offering a parent portal. This has a wide range of general activity ideas for you to use at home to continue to develop your child's speech and language skills, as well as some specific activities under named targets that you may find on your child's most recent SALT report. The portal can be found by following the link above.


The Communication Trust has a range of resources for parents to help you understand and support your child with their speech and language difficulty.


The above site provides various sessions which support parents to use key word signing, symbols and objects during their daily routines, identify their preferred augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) tools to aid transitions during the day and support a child's understanding of what is happening in their day. It also includes lessons on how to boost vocabulary and activities that can be used to help this.


Activity suggestions


The following show activity suggestions for different SALT levels 


School Awards

Useful Links
