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Abbot's Hall Community Primary School

Be the best that you can be


Welcome to Abbot's Hall Primary School

Extra-curricular Clubs

Extra-curricular sports clubs and activities at Abbot's Hall




At Abbot's Hall we offer a range of extra-curricular clubs for all year groups to take part in. Clubs run before school, at lunch time and after school. We encourage all pupils to attend an extra-curricular club and we aim for pupils to be the best they can be (BTBYCB). 


Some of our clubs are free of charge and are run by our PE Teacher and school staff. Other clubs are delivered by outside coaches from the Gipping Valley and Thurston School Sport Partnership (GVTSSP), these clubs will incur a charge. 


Extra-curriuclar sports clubs and activities change every term with sports and activities relating to the season and with input and ideas from the Sports Ambassadors (the pupils sporting voice). 


As well as the timetable below, please also note that we have trained Year 6 Play Leaders who organise and deliver activities for all year groups during the lunch hour. You will find them on the playground zone wearing their Play Leader bibs.



PE Clubs 2023-2024

This Girl Can- we were excited to have an ITFC coach join us for a session!

School Awards

Useful Links
