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Abbot's Hall Community Primary School

Be the best that you can be


Welcome to Abbot's Hall Primary School


Active Week 2024

On 28th May the Year 4 children participated in an athletics tournament against another local primary school. They joined in with a hockey dribble, a frisbee toss, a rugby throw, archery and golf. A great effort by all involved!

On Thursday 20th June, Year 6 visited The Mix for this years Crucial Crew, where they were given the opportunity to learn more about various situations. They visited workshops ran by Stowmarket Police, Suffolk Fire Service, The School Nursing Team and other organisations such as The Mix youth workers and a drug and alcohol awareness group.

On Thursday 27th June some children from Year 5 and 6 competed against other schools at Stowmarket High in an athletics competition. Well done to all those involved!

On Monday 24th June, we went to Trinity Park in Ipswich to join other schools in a concert to celebrate the musical learning we have been doing this year.

Year 3 had a great time at Colchester Castle. They enjoyed looking at the Roman ruins and walking around the museum gallery, looking at the various artifacts. They also had the opportunity to build an Iron Age round house and a Roman villa and ride a chariot!

25/3/2024 Year 3 had a wonderful time at Baylham Rare Breeds Farm and had a fun and educational day learning about the farm and animals. This was part of our Geography learning about farming, land use and agriculture. They even got to see a 10 minute old lamb!

Science Week 2024. This year the British Science Week theme was 'Time' and the whole school had a fantastic time learning all sorts of science around this subject and linked to their current learning too.We had experiments going on across the school and lots of excellent posters entered into our poster competition. The Mad Science Company came and did a great job starting off our Science Week with some exciting experiments for both Key Stage and Key Stage Two..

Everybody loves a visit from Father Christmas!

Years 2, 3 and 4 really enjoyed watching the pantomime 'Jack and the Beanstalk!'

Times Table Rock Star day was great fun!

The Stowmarket Men's Shed installed a new school noticeboard at the entrance to the school.

On The European Day of Languages, Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 took part in our French Tuck Shop and got to enjoy some tasty French treats!

On Friday 22nd September, the children in Years 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 were given the opportunity to stand and vote for this year's School Council Representatives. Following the procedure from the British Electoral Service, the children used a voting slip to indicate who they would like to be their class representatives.

New parents - Taster session

New catering company - first day

Year 6 leaver's disco 2023. Everyone had an amazing time!

Year 3 enjoyed their Roman Day. They had Roman Army training in the morning and an Emperor's banquet in the afternoon.

High Schools across Suffolk and Essex have been developing projects aimed at standing up to and combatting discrimination and intolerance based on an awareness of what happened during the Nazi period in Germany and Nazi occupied Europe.

Dora Love was a Holocaust survivor who in the last 40 years of her life lived and worked in Colchester. She worked tirelessly to teach younger generations that the attitudes which made the Holocaust possible – intolerance, discrimination and hatred of those regarded as ‘different’ – are still alive all around us. 

The Dora Love Prize is open to students in Years 7 to 10 at schools in Essex and Suffolk and is awarded for the project that best expresses Dora’s main principles: speaking up against hatred, never forgetting the consequences of seemingly small acts of discrimination and developing a sense of personal responsibility.

Students from Stowmarket High School ran workshops for Year 5 - these included, games, drama, poetry writing and discussion.  

Egyptian Day. Year 5 were excited to take part in an Egyptian Day where they had a visitor in school and dressed up as Ancient Egyptians. They played games, handled artefacts, ground ingredients, learnt lots of new facts and recreated an Egyptian style boat. We also prepared a body for mummification!

Come Dine With Me! As part of Year 6's DT learning they worked in groups to make a 3 course meal, where they researched, adapted and created their meals. Once cooked, they thought about how to present their meals. Their teachers and other adults then taste tested each dish and gave a score out of 5. All meals were delicious!

All of the children at Abbot's Hall had the opportunity to visit Stowmarket library. When Year 3 visited, they participated in activities to find different books and enjoyed listening to a story read by the librarian.

Year 2 had a wonderful time at Foxburrow Farm. They enjoyed minibeast hunting and pond dipping and worked together to identify the creatures they found. They also learnt about how plants grow and got to enjoy spending time in the meadow looking at the different plants and flowers. Everyone had a great time!

Year 3 had a fantastic time at Colchester castle. They had the opportunity to make an Iron Age stone house and a Roman villa, try on different Roman clothing and look at Roman artefacts. They also learnt all about the Roman Army and Queen Boudica and the Iceni Tribe. A great day was had by all!

World Book Day 2023. We had a fantastic time dressing up as our favourite book characters and joining in with literacy themed activities! We also had a competition to design and create a story door. They all look fantastic!

On Thursday 23rd February it was Conflict Resolution Day. The day started with Miss Read and Miss Saunders participating in a Great British Bake Off competition. Unfortunately, Miss Saunders didn't follow the rules! In class, we thought about different scenarios and conflicts and how we can resolve them.

On 31st January, Year 1 had a visit from the charity Suffolk Mind. We learnt all about the charity and they taught us some helpful breathing techniques to use when we need to calm down and how to look after our brain when we are not feeling good.

In January, we were lucky enough to have a visit from the Dogs Trust. We learnt how to behave around dogs and how to care for them.

Road Safety Week

Enterprise Day 2022- We had a great day making Christmas items for the Christmas Fair and joining in with Christmas activities.

School Council elections 2022

School Awards

Useful Links
