Abbot's Hall Logo

Abbot's Hall Community Primary School

Be the best that you can be


Welcome to Abbot's Hall Primary School


At Abbot’s Hall, our curriculum provides children with the knowledge, skills and wider opportunities to ‘Be The Best You Can Be’. At Abbot’s Hall we understand the importance of minimising cognitive overload and focus children to the key learning they need to succeed. Each subject has clear substantive knowledge sequenced year on year and is embedded through carefully selected disciplinary knowledge and vocabulary. Key vocabulary is taught through explicit instruction at the beginning of lessons through a multi-facet approach to further develop the application of new words. Our curriculum is drawn together through a range of themes in each year group, making direct links across subjects, as well as our school key drivers:



Browning said that “our aspirations make our possibilities”. At Abbot’s Hall we seek to open up endless possibilities for pupils regardless from their starting point. Considering the cultural capital across the school we endeavour to build on our children’s individual starting points and from our community. Diversity is a key element of this and is embedded in our literature spine to provide a window to the world around them. We value all pupils’ talents and celebrate their own personal goals and successes.  



At Abbot’s Hall we want children to be responsible and develop as a well-rounded citizen in their community: Responsible for their learning. Responsible for their behaviour. Responsible for their health. Responsible for their Rights. Responsibility is continuously addressed across the curriculum, from maths where children choose their learning and challenges to PE and Science where children understand how their body works and the importance of exercise and a balanced diet. Pupils are equipped with the knowledge of their Rights and how they and others are responsible in ensuring these are in place. Furthermore, we provide many opportunities for great leaders and hold regular meetings to ensure pupil voice.



Across all our learning we aim to maximise our learning environment whether this is displays in the classroom, outdoor learning, forest skill sessions or our wider community such as visiting the neighbouring museum. We also focus on teaching children about key issues that are critical to our environment, reflecting on their role on the environment and becoming active citizens to evoke change.


Use the subject pages below to understand the progression of knowledge, skills and vocabulary across each year group.

Each term, each year group will send out their curriculum booklets detailing more specific information about curriculum coverage, trips, visitors, class assemblies and many many more exciting things for the term. Please use the tabs below to find this information and take a look at our class pages which contain even further insights into our learning.

A Parents Guide to the National Curriculum

Abbot's Hall Trips and Visits Offer Overview

School Awards

Useful Links
