Abbot's Hall Logo

Abbot's Hall Community Primary School

Be the best that you can be


Welcome to Abbot's Hall Primary School

Ongoing Learning

Year 2 On-going Learning Activities


Please see a list of on-going tasks below which you can complete at home:




  • Practise reading using the e-books on ‘Reading Planet Online’. You could read the books on your level and any other books you would like to share. This way you can continue your daily reading!

        Website –

        School centre ID - 492407


  • Read a range of texts at home. You could see how many type of texts you can find...These could include story books, non-fiction texts, instructions for games, maps, recipe books etc.


  • Practise spelling the Year 2 Common Exception Words using the word mat below to spell the words correctly. You could use the 'Look, Cover, Say, Write Check' strategy that we use in our spelling lessons in school.


  • Practise your joined handwriting using the 'Penpal' joins we use at school. Use the picture below to remind you which letters join and which letters do not. Also be careful to check the height of ascenders (letters that go up) and decenders (letters that go down).




  • Practise your times tables – You could use ‘Times tables Rock Stars’ or simply practise your 10x, 5x and 2x tables together at home

Year 2 Common Exception Words

Handwriting Example

School Awards

Useful Links
