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Abbot's Hall Community Primary School

Be the best that you can be


Welcome to Abbot's Hall Primary School

Late/Absence Procedures


The Education Regulations attempt to ensure that children are present in school as often as possible. We have to record each absence carefully, noting in the register whether the absence is authorised or unauthorised. It is vital, therefore, that parents inform the school of the reason for any absence.

Following local agreement and national recommendations the school cannot authorise holidays from September 2014 except in exceptional circumstances: parents who work in the emergency services, service personnel returning from overseas service. Referrals will be made to the Education Welfare Officer if any child has 6 sessions (3 days) or more of unauthorised absence. These referrals can result in a Penalty Notice (a ‘fine’) being issued by the Local Authority.


Attendance Policy Summary

The register will be called promptly at 8:45 am and at the beginning of afternoon school.


Morning register will close at 8:55 am. Any pupil who arrives after the closing of the register will be marked as an unauthorised absence.


Pupils arriving late should report to the school office. Parents of pupils who arrive after the registers have closed will be asked to sign them in.


Pupils leaving the premises legitimately (e.g. for a medical appointment), or returning to school later in the day are also signed in by a responsible adult.


Parents should ensure their child(ren) arrive at school on time, properly dressed and with the right equipment for the day.


Parents are expected to notify Abbot’s Hall School on the first day of a child’s absence and every day following either by a phone call or in writing or by a personal visit to the school office.


If there has been no such notification parents will be telephoned. If it is not possible to make contact with parents by phone, the school will send them a letter by first class post.


If absence is frequent or continuous, parents will be asked to provide proof (such as a doctor’s note or prescription) that the absence is unavoidable. The decision whether or not to authorise an absence will always rest with the school. If no explanation about an absence is received by the school within 2 weeks, the absence will remain unauthorised.


Parents are discouraged from taking holidays during term-time unless there is a very good reason for doing so (see the complete Attendance Policy for more information). If a term-time holiday is being planned an application must be made in writing in advance of the intended holiday, including appropriate evidence of the necessity for such a holiday. The Headteacher will consider each request in the light of national and Local Authority guidance and will respond accordingly. Throughout this document ‘parents’ refers to ‘parents / carers’.

A copy of the complete Attendance Policy is kept in the school office and is readily available to all.

Absence request forms are available

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