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Abbot's Hall Community Primary School

Be the best that you can be


Welcome to Abbot's Hall Primary School

Social, Emotional and Wellbeing

Many of our young people are affected by mental health problems and these are often a direct response to what is happening in their lives. The emotional health of children is just as important as their physical health, as it helps them to develop the resilience to tackle whatever life throws at them and to grow into well rounded adults.


The following websites provide free resources which can be accessed to help your child/children with their social, emotional and general wellbeing. Click on the links to explore the sites.


The ELSA website currently has a wide range of free downloadable resources to support children at home including social stories about some of the key guidance from the government, games and other mindfulness activities.


OneLife Suffolk are running online webinars over Zoom, whilst schools are closed, which they would love anyone who is interested to join. These are standalone sessions covering topics such as physical activity, sugary drinks, food labels, ‘eatwell plate’ and portion size, and wellbeing and sleep. They will last around 20 minutes and are available to all the family. Head to the website for more details.


The above website offers advice on how to identify different emotions and how to support emotional regulation. It also includes social stories about staying at home and keeping healthy whilst at home.

Links to additional websites that will support you and your child's physical, emotional and social wellbeing can be found in each of the year group pages under 'Home Health and Wellbeing'. Keeping active, getting outside (this can just be in the garden), being creative (e.g. baking, art), mindfulness time (e.g. mindful colouring, yoga, meditation), can all help support your child and yourselves.

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