Year 5
Welcome To Year 5
Mrs Childs and Miss Holmes
Teaching Assistants
Miss Scott, Mrs Anderson and Mrs Thomas
Mrs Alderton and Mrs King
This term, our topic will be "Bury St Edmunds and Beyond". We will first be learning about the history of King Edmund and how Bury St Edmunds got its name. We will then be exploring the geography of the area and comparing it to the city of Venice in Italy and the country of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. We will also be going on a school trip to Bury St Edmunds before half term to support our history learning about King Edmund.
Home Learning
Year 5 have three spelling lessons a week to recap previously learned rules, introduce a new spelling rule or pattern from the Year 5 curriculum and then plenty of opportunities to apply this new rule/pattern to games and dictation sentences. There is no longer a formal spelling test on a Friday for the spelling rule we have practised in school that week. However, in the document above you will find the rule/pattern for the week and may wish to practise this at home using any of their strategies to help them such as: rainbow writing, silly sentences, pyramid writing and look, cover, write and check.
Home Learning Reading Comprehension
- Christmas Crackers!.pdf
- Creature.pdf
- Jobs for Children.pdf
- My Dad .pdf
- The Scientist.pdf
- Victorian Toys.pdf
- Wendy the Witch.pdf
- Who Was Florence Nightingale.pdf
Times Tables and Maths Learning
It is crucial, in Year 5, that children are secure with all their times tables and continue to practise these. You could use these websites below to practise these.
Times Tables Rockstars
We will have TTRS fixtures every 2 weeks, where we compete against other classes. Each win earns 3 points for the team, with a draw earning 1 point. There is also the opportunity to be Player of the Match!
Year 5 Arithmetic
We are aware that some of the children may find the current arithmetic questions a little tricky. These questions are aimed at quizzing children on concepts taught across the Autumn and Spring Terms and therefore, there may be some questions which we have not covered in class so far. If children are finding certain concepts tricky, then they can chose to leave these questions. Parents can use the calculation policy to help demonstrate the best method to solve this particular question or children can ask their teacher or TA for help.
Year 5 Arithmetic Tests
- Y5-Arithmetic-Half-Test-1a.pdf
- Y5-Arithmetic-Half-Test-1b.pdf
- Y5-Arithmetic-Half-Test-2a.pdf
- Y5-Arithmetic-Half-Test-2b.pdf
Maths Reasoning
Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural in Year 5
- PE: Please note that our PE days are Tuesdays and Fridays. In PE lessons on a Tuesday we will be doing Outdoor Adventurous Activities (OAA). The children will work individually, collaboratively in pairs and groups to solve problems and are encouraged to be inclusive of others, share ideas to create strategies and plans to produce the best solution to a challenge. On a Friday we will be doing football and the children will be developing their understanding of the attacking and defending principles of invasion games. In all games activities, pupils have to think about how they use skills, strategies and tactics to outwit the opposition.
- PSHE: In our PSHE lessons, we will be focusing on 'Being me in my world'.
- Music: We are lucky enough to have Specialist County Music Services taking instrumental lessons. Miss Holmes' class will be learning how to play the violin on Tuesday mornings and Mrs Childs' class will be learning cornet, trumpet and baritone horns. We will also be working on general musicianship, singing skills and reading music.
Mrs Blyth will continue as the tutor for brass lessons and Mrs Bakewell will continue teaching as the violin tutor. Each pupil will use their own allocated instrument which will be for their own individual use. Once children have mastered the basics, these are taken home for practice.
School Council, Eco-Reps and Sports Ambassadors
School Council
Sports Ambassadors
Junior Road Safety Officers
In September, Year 5 children have the opportunity to apply for a Junior Road Safety Officer role. Once elected, they are responsible for promoting Road Safety within our school and local community. There are 4 officers (2 children from each class) in total. Within this role, they organise different competitions and focus weeks during the school year, such as Road Safety week and walk to School week, during these weeks they also run competitions and become judges to decide on winners. In 2022 the JRSOs decided to help Mrs King create a termly newsletter that is sent out to parents. They meet half termly with their coordinator King. This is a fun and rewarding job role within the school for those children who want to promote Road safety.
We are also working together with Modeshift STARS to gain an accreditation for the important work these children do in our school community.