Year 6
Welcome to Year 6!
Mr Aldred, Mrs Scarfe and Mrs Rolph
Teaching Assistants
Mrs Manser and Mrs Aldous
Mrs Alderton and Mrs King
Children may also be invited to work with Mr Cole within a small group.
PE days
Both classes will need to come to school in their PE kits on a Thursday and a Friday. We will teach outdoor PE on a Thursday, which will focus on both netball and handball, and our indoor PE will be on Fridays, which will be Dance and Fitness. Please ensure children are dressed appropriately for the weather conditions when doing outdoor PE!
Please ensure long hair is tied back and all jewellery is removed as children will not be able to take part in the lesson if they are wearing jewellery.
Our topic for this term is...
Our topic for this term is ‘World War 2’ with a big focus on the history learning that can be done through this. We will look at many aspects of war: Why it started and what life was like for people during this period of history. Our science topic will be focussing on electrical circuits and their components, thinking about how much power is needed to make these components work. We will also be looking at the topic of light, including how light travels and how we see things.
Home Learning
The home learning grid has been sent home to pick one activity to do per week. Paper copies of each resource are also available in a resource box found in both year 6 classrooms, along with lined, squared or plain paper. Home learning is due every Friday and will be monitored each week by your child's class teacher. Please make sure your child's home learning has their name on it. Pupils need to stick it in their home learning book when they bring the piece of learning to school.
Home learning club is on a Tuesday lunch time in Mrs Morris and Mrs Cook's classroom if children would like to complete it in school or are struggling to complete it at home and need some help. As always, if your child is struggling with completing their home learning or they have any questions, they should not hesitate to speak to their class teacher.
Home Learning Grid
Home Learning Resources
Anne Frank Readi ng Comprehension - 1 star Mild, 2 stars Spicy, 3 stars Hot
Life on the Front Line Reading Comprehension - 1 star Mild, 2 stars Spicy, 3 stars Hot
Meet the Teacher Year 6 2024
SATs information PowerPoint 2024
Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural understanding in Year 6
- Our topic 'Blue Planet' allows for lots of discussion about our earth and important issues to do with the environment.
- We will have weekly Jigsaw PSHE lessons focusing on the themes of 'Relationships' and 'Changing Me' thinking about our relationships with others and changes they will be going through as they grow older.
- We will continue to have fortnightly class council meetings for us all to share our ideas and our school council and rights respecting schools representatives will lead this discussion and feedback to the senior leadership team.
- In Year 6, some of us will have the extra responsibility of being head boy, head girl, a prefect or a house captain. These require great leadership skills and for us to be role models for the rest of the school.
- Our Sports Leaders and Sports Ambassadors will also be busy ensuring physical activity is regularly happening in our class and choosing who will take home the class PE bag based on the sports values they have observed in PE lessons.
- Our School Council and Rights Respecting Schools representatives will continue to look out for children displaying and noticing the rights of children around school and in our classrooms and will award them with the UNICEF stickers.
- Lots of us will have the opportunity to be great role models by working with the younger children in the school either as a reading buddy (listening to and helping the younger children to read) or as a play leader (running active lunch time clubs for the younger children). These roles allow us to have a high level of responsibility and develop a range of leadership skills.
Year 6 have spelling lessons each week to recap previously learned rules, introduce a new spelling rule or pattern from the Year 6 curriculum and then plenty of opportunities to apply this new rule/pattern to games and dictation sentences. Your child will be sent home with the spelling overview for the term and they may wish to practise this at home using any of their strategies to help them such as: rainbow writing, silly sentences, pyramid writing and look, cover, write and check.
Times Tables Rockstars
Times tables are the foundation for a lot of maths topics that we cover in Year 6. The quicker we are at knowing our times tables and the easier we find them, the easier we will find some of our new Year 6 maths learning. Please try and have a go on Times Tables Rockstars at home when you can and look out for some year group and phase competitions!
If you need to know your login or password for Times Tables Rockstars check the front of your yellow log book or ask your class teacher.
Times Tables Rockstars Sharpen your times tables skills
Bitesize SATs Revision Practise for your SATs with these activities in English, Maths and Science.