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Year 4

Welcome to Year 4!

Mrs Curtis and Mrs Vaughan

Teaching Assistants

Mrs Filby and Mrs Croft


Mrs Alderton and Mrs King 

Please scroll down for this term's Home Learning.

Our Spring Term topics are....
The Rainforest and The Mayans

This term, we will first be learning about the Rainforest. Our main focus will be geography . We will learn what the Rainforest is like, what animals live there and why it needs to be protected. We will also be going on a trip to Colchester Zoo, where we will explore the different layers of the Rainforest and which animals live in each part.

In the 2nd half of this term we will be learning about the Mayans. We will look at key features of their lives and the impact they left on the world today.


Spellings will be taught each week within school with regular opportunities given to practise the rule we are learning. There will be no test of the word list. A spelling list can be found below so that you can practise the words and the rule at home.

Spring 1 Spelling Sheet

Spring 2 Spelling Sheet

Autumn Home Learning

We understand that at times it can be tricky to print any final test scores from the Times Tables Check from Maths frame Multiplication Tables Check. So a score can be recorded in your child's yellow log.

It is important that any reading or times tables that your child completes is recorded in their home reading logs. 

Home Learning Resources

Below are links to all the home learning documents, mentioned on the home learning grid. Please note, that there are also paper copies of each activity available in both Year 4 classrooms in the home learning boxes. 


Rainforest Spring Home learning grid

60 Second read- Human Body

60 Second read- Emma's Puppy

60 Second read- Great Galapagos

60 Second read- Incredible Invertebrates

Rainforest Maths- Adding

Reading assessment reading booklet

Reading assessment answer booklet

Reasoning questions 1a

Reasoning questions 1b

Arithmetic questions 1

Arithmetic questions 2

Arithmetic questions 3


As spoken about in our meet the teachers presentations, times tables are extremely important for Year 4 children who will now have undertake the Government's Multiplication Check at the end of the year.

Here is a link to a site where children can practise the check. We will also be using this in school.

At Abbot's we aim for children to be secure with all their times tables by the end of Year 4. You could use these websites below to practise these:

We have a competition running for all children in years 2-6, which aims to improve the children's times tables knowledge using the Times Tables Rockstars website. Each week, the child with the highest correct answers in their class will be awarded with a certificate, which will be displayed on our Rockstars board. At the end of the week, they will be able to bring their certificate home.  

Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural in Year 4
  • We have regular Class Council meetings.
  • Each week, we have time for 'collective worship' where, as a class, we discuss and learn together about the world and also thought-provoking questions.
  • Newsround Keep up to date with the latest news.