Year 3
Our topic for spring term is: The Stone Age.
Key Information in Year 3
Miss Morris, Mrs Cook and Miss Palmer
Mrs King, Mrs Alderton
Teaching Assistants:
Miss Lacey and Mrs Cooper
- Please remember to send your child in wearing their PE kits on their PE days.
- Earrings and jewellery must be removed on PE days.
Miss Morris: Indoor PE Tuesdays and outdoor PE on Thursdays
Miss Palmer: Indoor PE Tuesdays and swimming on Thursdays
- Spellings will be handed out at the beginning of the week. The sticker shows the rule that we are teaching. Please learn your spellings at home. You could do rainbow writing, silly sentences, pyramid writing or even create a poster to explain the spelling rule.
- We continually assess spellings through written work and dictated sentences.
- Our assessments will inform us of which book to give to your child so that it is matched to their level of fluency and comprehension.
- We love to see children reading at home as this has a massive impact on their progress and confidence. If any reading is completed, please write a quick note in the yellow log to show us which page they are on next or whether they have finished the book
- Children are responsible for putting a finished reading book in our 'Please Change Me' box in our classrooms
- We sometimes ask children to re-read their book again to support their understanding and ability to answer questions about a text
Home Learning
- Home learning is to be handed into the box on a Thursday so that we can have a look and send books home on Fridays
- Home learning is celebrated through children being asked to share with the class, stickers, comments and even house points
Can you read and spell 200 high frequency words?
Hit the Button Use these fun interactive games to learn times tables, division facts and recap your NUMBER BONDS!!