Year 2
Welcome to Year 2
These are the adults who help us with our learning.
Teaching Staff
Mrs Thomas | Mrs Evans | Miss Smith |
Teaching Assistants
Miss Rogers | Miss Bensley | Mrs Jolly |
High Level Teaching Assistants
Mrs King |
Mrs Horrex |
Spelling and Phonics - details of the phonics and spelling focus for the week will be stuck in your child's yellow log weekly. We do not do spelling tests however, please practise these at home. Over time, we expect the children to begin to apply these to their spelling independently including in their home learning.
Home learning is due back into school on a Thursday. Please ensure your child brings their home learning book back each week so that we can check which task they have completed. We will send home learning books back out on a Friday.
Our Spring 1 Topic is:
This half term, the children will enjoy learning about weather. They will be using their geography skills to learn all about weather around the world as well as using their fieldwork skills to conduct a rain study. In English, we will be doing a book study on the Hodgeheg and reading through it during English time and basing our writing on it. In art, we are going to be working on our painting skills.
Please see the resources on the page for more information about home learning, supporting with reading and phonics and links to other useful websites.
Our PE days are Wednesday (indoor and shorts required) and Thursday (outdoor) this half term. Please come to school in your PE kit on these days.
Our Autumn 2 Topic is:
Nurturing Nurses
This half term, the children will enjoy learning about Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole. They will learn about how and why the nurses were important and how they helped people. We will also be talking about their impact and why it is important to remember them. A big focus of our learning will be on history - learning about significant historical figures. In PSHE, we will be looking at Celebrating Differences. We will look how we are similar and different to our friends. We will also be talking about bullying, how to recognise it and what to do about it - including standing up for ourselves. We will look at the geography of our school grounds and will use maps and compasses to discover the features in this area.. We will also develop our creative skills in DT where we will be planning and making a Ferris wheel.
Please see the resources on the page for more information about home learning, supporting with reading and phonics and links to other useful websites.
Our PE days are Tuesday and Thursday this half term. Please come to school in your PE kit on these days.
Our Autumn 1 Topic is:
If you go into the woods today....
This half term, the children will enjoy learning about nocturnal animals. We will learn about different animals and their habitats as well as reading some stories with these animals in such as 'The Owl who was afraid of the dark'. During this topic in geography we will be developing our field and map skills. We will look at the geography of our school grounds and will use maps and compasses to discover the features in this area. We will also develop our creative skills in DT where we will be planning and making 3D chairs. In our music lessons, we look forward to developing our singing and improving songs further by adding percussion instruments. In music we will also begin to learn about letter notation.
Please see the resources on the page for more information about home learning, supporting with reading and phonics and links to other useful websites.
Our PE days are Tuesday and Thursday this half term. Please come to school in your PE kit on these days.
PE Information
January 2025 - PE days are Wednesday and Thursday for both Year 2 classes.
All children will come to school on a PE day in their PE kit.
Correct PE kit for both indoor and outdoor PE learning includes
- Indoor - Black shorts and white t-shirt for dance, gymnastics and yoga. Trainers are needed for any other indoor lesson such as fitness or dodgeball. No plimsolls.
- Outdoor - Black shorts or black tracksuit bottoms, white t-shirt, black tracksuit jumper and trainers. No plimsolls and no coats or gloves.
(During the colder months please layer up underneath the Abbot's Hall PE kit to keep warm. Sun hats can be worn during the warm summer.)
In addition to the above, please ensure children with long hair have this tied back for PE days and earrings should not be worn on a PE day either. Tape can only be worn to cover earrings in the first 6 weeks after the child has had their ears pierced. The class teacher will be vigilant with which activities/ skills/ drills/ games the child can safely take part in. No jewellery should be worn for PE lessons, competitions or tournaments. As the children will be wearing PE kit for school they can bring spare socks, tops and trainers to have in school should they need to change.
How can you help your child at home?
Reading at home
How can you help your child with reading at home?
We hope that you are able to read with your child as regularly as possible and record any comments in their yellow log. Also encouraging your child to take part in our reading challenges. Please see the resource tab above to find questions and sentence stems that you may want to use when reading with your child.
Maths at home
In Year 2 we spend time practising addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and missing number problems. At home you could support your child by giving them various calculation sentences. Find an example of arithmetic papers on our home learning page. This is what your child will practise in school.
By the end of Year 2 we aim for children to be secure with their 2x, 5x and 10x tables. You could use these websites below to practise these. Logins for TT rockstars will be sent home in the Spring term once the children have been explicitly taught about multiplication.
We build on the phonics learning your child has learnt in Year 1. You could use the websites below to practise their phonemes.