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At Abbot’s Hall Primary School, we teach focused PSHE lessons using the Jigsaw Scheme. Jigsaw brings together Personal, Social, Health and Economic education, emotional literacy, social skills and spiritual development in a lesson-a-week programme.

Designed as a whole school approach, Jigsaw provides a comprehensive and progressive scheme of learning for Foundation Stage to Year 6.  Every year group covers the same ‘piece’ of the Jigsaw at the same time, introduced in an assembly at the beginning of each half term. These are:

  • Being me in my world
  • Celebrating Difference
  • Dreams and Goals
  • Healthy Me
  • Relationships
  • Changing Me

Jigsaw holds children at its heart and its cohesive vision helps children understand and value who they are and how they fit and contribute to the world.

Information for Parents

Jigsaw Information Leaflet for Parents

RSHE - A Guide for Parents and Carers

Useful Documents

Jigsaw Whole School Overview Map

Progression of Knowledge and Understanding in PSHE Jigsaw

Abbot's Hall Intent Implementation and Impact Statement